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Introducing CLIPPY - The OG Degen Project Powered by the Iconic Clippy!

Are you ready to witness the resurrection of the legendary AI assistant from the Windows 98 era? Clippy is back, and this time it's not to help you write a letter or format a spreadsheet. CLIPPY is here to revolutionize the world of decentralized finance and pay homage to the iconic virtual assistant that once graced our screens.

Get ready to dive into the degenerate world of CLIPPY, where innovation meets nostalgia. We've taken the concept of memecoins to a whole new level, combining it with the power of artificial intelligence. Say hello to $CLIPPY, the token that will make waves in the crypto community and beyond.

Just like Clippy himself, $CLIPPY is ready to break the mold and leave behind the endless derivatives and copycats. We're done with the dogs and the potatoes; it's time for Clippy to take the reigns and become the king of memes.

$CLIPPY is the ultimate tribute to the iconic Clippy. Launched with a stealthy approach, there was no presale, ensuring a fair distribution to all. We've burned the liquidity pool (LP), renounced the contract, and removed all the unnecessary taxes and BS. This is a coin for the people, by the people.

Step 1: Create a wallet

Download Metamask or the wallet of your choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to

Step 2: Get some ETH

Have ETH in your wallet to switch to $CLIPPY. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Step 3: Go to Uniswap

Connect to Uniswap. Go to in google chrome or on the browser inside your Metamask app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $CLIPPY token address into Uniswap, select CLIPPY, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Step 4: Switch ETH for CLIPPY

Switch ETH for $CLIPPY. We have ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

Token supply: 420,690,000,000,000 CLIPPY

We've allocated 95% of the token supply to the liquidity pool, ensuring stability and liquidity for $CLIPPY. The remaining 5% of the supply is being locked for 1 month in this contract only to be used as tokens for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and additional liquidity pools. Rest assured, transparency is our priority, and you can easily track this wallet with the ENS name "CLIPPY.eth".

Roadmap: the ClippyAI's Journey

Phase 1: Launch and Mememtic Power

Launch ClippyAI: We will officially introduce ClippyAI to the world, resurrecting the legendary AI assistant from the Windows 98 era. CoinGecko/Coinmarketcap Listings: We will list $CLIPPY on popular cryptocurrency tracking platforms, CoinGecko and Coinmarketcap, to increase its visibility. 1,000+ Holders: Our goal is to have more than 1,000 holders of $CLIPPY tokens, creating a strong community from the start.

Memetic Power: We will leverage the power of memes to make $CLIPPY go viral. Our target is to get #CLIPPY trending on Twitter, capturing the attention of the crypto community and beyond.

Phase 2: Community Expansion and Partnerships

Community Partnerships: We will collaborate with several important twitter accounts and newsletters to spread the word about ClippyAI and engage with the community. Clippy Bios: We will create a token-gated Discord group called "Clippy Bios" exclusively for $CLIPPY holders. This will serve as a hub for community interaction, exclusive updates, and fun activities. More details to be announced soon.

CEX Listings and 10,000+ Holders: We aim to secure listings on centralized cryptocurrency exchanges (CEX) to provide easier access to $CLIPPY. Our target is to have over 10,000 holders, expanding the reach and influence of our community.

Phase 3: Expansion and Meme Domination

Clippy Merch: We will launch an exclusive line of Clippy-themed merchandise, including apparel, accessories, and collectibles, allowing our community to proudly represent ClippyAI. Clippy Ai Academy: We will establish Clippy Ai Academy, an educational platform to share knowledge about decentralized AI, finance, cryptocurrencies, and meme culture. This will empower our community with the necessary skills and understanding to thrive in the world of crypto. Clippy Tools: We will develop and release a suite of innovative tools and utilities specifically tailored to the needs of $CLIPPY holders and the wider crypto community. These tools will enhance the overall user experience and provide unique functionalities.

T1 Exchange Listings and 100,000+ Holders: We will pursue listings on Tier 1 exchanges to expand the trading opportunities for $CLIPPY. Additionally, we aim to achieve a milestone of over 100,000 holders, solidifying ClippyAI's position as a significant player in the crypto space.

Meme Takeover: Finally, armed with a growing community, widespread recognition, and an iconic brand, we will unleash ClippyAI's meme power to dominate the internet, spreading joy and hilarity throughout the digital world. Prepare for an unstoppable wave of Clippy memes and laughter.

Join us on this wild and degenerate journey as we revolutionize the world of decentralized finance, paying homage to the legendary Clippy and embracing the spirit of fun, innovation, and nostalgia. Together, let's make $CLIPPY the talk of the crypto community and beyond.

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